Sarum St Paul's CofE (VA) Primary School

Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG

01722 336459

  1. News
  2. Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week

3 December 2018 (by admin)

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Soul

Our wellbeing week has been hugely successful and we have all enjoyed discovering new hobbies, learning about how our brains work and taking part in workshops to promote good mental health habits. Children have enjoyed fitness sessions, knitting, first aid, mindfulness, learning about healthy eating, colouring and more! We are in the process of putting together a ‘Promoting Wellbeing’ page on our school website, this page will include advice and strategies in promoting positive mental health at home.

We have over £200 from our non-uniform day to add to our donations to ‘The Charlie Waller Foundation’ who led incredible anxiety workshops with pupils and staff this week.